What Can A Shoe Repair Shop Do To Your Damaged FootwearWhat Can A Shoe Repair Shop Do To Your Damaged Footwear

If your favorite shoe is on the brink of breakage, or it’s beginning to wear out after years of use, the most practical thing to do is to get a new pair. After all, the expected lifespan of a shoe is between 3 to 6 months. But if your budget won’t allow it, or you’re not ready to part ways with it, the next best thing to do is to take it to a cobbler.

A cobbler is a professional who repairs shoes. They can fix everything from a broken heel to a torn shoe. In addition to repairing shoes, they can also recondition them by replacing the insole, heel, or toe box.

Aside from that, they can also fashion shoes from scratch. This process is called bespoke shoemaking and it involves measuring the foot of the client, creating a pattern, and then cutting and stitching the leather of the shoe.

While there are many big-box stores that offer shoe repair services, it’s best to take your shoes to a capable shoe repair shop. They have the experience and expertise to get the job done.

But what can a shoe repair shop do? And how can cobblers help extend the life of your footwear and make it look new again? Read more as we’ll provide more details about this topic in today’s article.

Fixing Your Footwear To Make It Wearable Again

A cobbler who runs a shoe repair shop can offer a variety of services to provide a better shoe-wearing experience for their clients. Usually, they fix shoes so you can wear them again or even stitch up torn areas and raise the instep.

To be specific, here are some of the common services that a cobbler offers to rejuvenate a worn-out shoe:

  • Patching cuts or holes
  • Cutting out holes
  • Dying
  • Replacing straps
  • Re-gluing the upper
  • Adjusting the fit
  • Waterproofing
  • Customizing the footwear to ensure the shoe is comfortable after hours of wearing

Also, some shoe repair shops also offer insole customization by replacing your insoles with orthopedic insoles. Orthopedic insoles provide support for the foot and leg, they come in different thickness to suit your needs, and different materials can be used like memory foam or gel-infused insoles.

This is recommended for those people who have flat feet or are suffering from arthritis or plantar fasciitis. It is also a great solution for those with diabetes because they promote circulation and take pressure off of sore spots. They can also be used to prevent injuries in people who are on their feet all day and participate in high-impact activities.

How Much Are You Going To Pay For The Shoe Repair?

Shoe repair shops can do many repairs on shoes, from resoling to stitching. However, one question that often comes up is whether or not it is expensive to have your shoes repaired.

The answer to this question depends on a few factors. The most important factor is the extent of the damage to your shoes. If the footwear just needs a little TLC, then the repair will likely be affordable. However, if your shoes are severely damaged, then the repair may be a bit expensive.

Another factor that can affect the cost of the shoe repair is the type of shoe you have. Some types of shoes are more difficult to repair than others. For example, shoes with intricate stitching or design work are more challenging to repair and therefore more expensive.

Finally, the location of the shop can also be a factor as shoe repair shops in larger cities tend to be more expensive than those in smaller towns. And this is because the overhead costs for running a repair shop are higher.

So how much does it really cost to have your shoes repaired? You can expect to pay anywhere from $20 to $100 for most shoe repairs. However, if your pair is significantly damaged, you may end up paying more.


There are a few things that a shoe repair shop can’t do. For example, they can’t replace the entire sole of the shoe or fix shoes that are beyond repair. In addition, they can’t do major alterations to the design of the shoe. So if your shoes are really, really damaged, the best option may be the get a new pair.

Final Word

If you’re planning to have your shoe repaired, then take it to someone who can deliver the best quality like NuShoe’s shoe repair services. Not only will they make your shoes look new, but they can also adjust your footwear so you can wear it comfortably for long periods of time.