What happens to Sickly women in prisonWhat happens to Sickly women in prison

Unfortunately, accidents do happen in prison, which is considered normal for everyone out there. When you are new there, you will be in a culture shock of how these people behave. Many documentaries talk about imprisonment, how their life inside the cells, and its devastating to hear. Many women now are committing crimes and put on the jail, some are waiting for nothing, and they are dying without hope.

Read on how solitary confinement is not good for women https://pantailosari.com/

A lot of people there are treated bad and cops are silent about them. It depends on your social status in life; well, we can’t deny how money works to people. Maybe because money is the root of evilness and it is proven inside and outside of jail.

But how about those people who are poor and sick in prison? The government has no concern in them or merciless. Perhaps they are just waiting for these people to die, and that is frustrating. Many women who are sick are not treated well and experience abuse of their rights. Nobody can assure their health will be in good condition because so far no one has come out in jail alive after getting sick for too long

The government won’t take risks on them or spend money on this criminal. They will rot in jail, and nobody cares. I think it is normal in prison in low class because no one gives a shit on them. How much more if you are sick? The treatment is still the same. You always do your job in prison, like cleaning, doing the laundry, and more. You are not exempted just because you are sick.

This sick woman is mostly separated to avoid the spread of the virus, but still, jails are not fully equipped to nurse them. According to a source, older women are prone to sickness. They are some of the longest prisoners that age in the cell. These people are no hopes to get out, and sometimes their disease is the solution they all waiting for.

We can see in prison documentaries how these prisoners are hopeless and lonely. Some of them weren’t getting any visitors. Others abuse some of them. It’s just no hope when you are sick inside the prison. There is no space for you to take good care of. Everyone has their duty to fulfill, and that’s not the sick ones.

We have to accepts these facts because that’s how life in jail. Perhaps that is why criminals have to pay their sins there because it wasn’t as easy as we thought. There are many sick cases of women who are silently buried because nobody cares about them at all. Dead or alive, they are prisoners, and they deserve it in the eyes of the people. Nothing good happens in jail because that is what criminals supposed to feel—the abuse and brutality of the world as payback of their sins outside.

Why do really some women end up in prison? read here https://pantailosari.com/women-in-prison-is-solitary-confinement-too-harsh-for-female-prisoners/